Cosmetology students are educated on how to become successful salon professionals, which at the end of their learning leads to state licensure from the State Board of Cosmetology and Barbering. Cosmetology students also participate in a Breast Cancer fundraiser each year to help support this very important cause. We team up with JROTC and offer discounted haircuts for cadets who are not able to go to a barbershop. We open our doors to the community to provide and offer services at a discounted rate to gain experience for our students and offer affordable services to our community. We also work with other activities and clubs in our school community offering services for community service. Our program has helped our students to prepare for a successful career in the industry of cosmetology. We have had many Woodbridge graduates that have thrived and succeeded in the industry and still do so today. With this program they are now supporting themselves and their families doing what they love.