Military Science: Army JROTC

Woodbridge Senior High School Army ROTC




The mission of Department of Military Science or Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) is to teach high school students (CADETS), the value of citizenship, responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment while instilling self-esteem, teamwork, and self-discipline. The focus in the program is reflected in our mission statement: “TO MOTIVATE YOUNG PEOPLE TO BE BETTER CITIZENS.” Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps prepares high school students for responsible leadership roles while making them aware of their rights, responsibilities, and privileges as American citizens. Our program is a stimulus for promoting graduation from high school, providing a curriculum through a Leadership Education and Training or (LET) level that promotes instruction and rewarding opportunities that will benefit the cadet, our school, our community, and our nation. The program of instruction contains the development of basic leadership skills to include leadership principles, values, and attributes. Adoption of the mythologies for achievement by cadets for entering college, advanced leadership skills above their peers, employment while in high school, receive appointments to service academies, ROTC scholarships, military entry level promotion/bonuses, and lucrative career training in the military. 

Points of Contact:

Lt Col Osborn, JROTC Instructor: [email protected]

1st Sgt Jackson, JROTC Instructor: [email protected]

Ms. Spindler, Specialty Program Coordinator: [email protected]

Interested in JROTC?
An application is no longer required. Please register for Military Science: JROTC when you have your academcic advising with a WSHS counselor in Spring 2024.