

This regulation and attached Health Treatment Plans (HTP) are for treatment and/or procedures that cannot be managed with HTP's in the following regulations: 757-2, "Management of Allergic Reactions in the School Setting/School Age Child Care: Administering Epinephrine Auto-Injection"; 757-5, "Management of Asthma in the School Setting"; 757-6, "Management of Diabetes in the School Setting"; 757-7, "Management of Epileptic Seizures in the School Setting/School Age Child Care"; and 757-8, "Management of Students with Cancer in the School Setting."
  1. Health treatment procedures are identified as health-related services which may be administered by a trained member of the family, school staff, or Child Care Contractor (CCC). Any medical procedure requiring school staff to perform at school, during any Prince William County Public Schools (PWCS) extended day or overnight field trip, or School Age Child Care (SACC) must be written in an HTP (Attachment I, II, or III) completed and signed by the health care provider and parent/guardian.
  2. A health treatment procedure will only be performed if necessary and ordered during the school day and as medically indicated on extended day and overnight field trips.
  3. HTPs are required annually before the start of each school year. The current plan must be dated after May 1.
  4. A minimum of three staff members designated by the building principal, excluding the school nurse, shall be trained annually in the procedure by appropriate professionals.
  5. All HTPs must be reviewed by the school nurse and/or supervisor or coordinator of School Health Services.
  6. All equipment and supplies shall be provided to the school/CCC by the parent/guardian. When appropriate, all supplies shall be sealed in a container appropriately dated by the health care provider or pharmacist.
  7. The parent/guardian has provided to the school/CCC all equipment and prepackaged/premeasured dosages of all medications required to be administered as part of the health treatment. All medication must be in compliance with PWCS Regulation 757-4, "Management of Medication Administration in the School Setting" (Attachment I).
  8. The parent/guardian has assumed responsibility for the cleaning or sterilization of equipment and treatment supplies. This process shall be completed outside the school setting.


Click on Required Forms Below
Authorization to Implement health Treatment Plans
Clean Intermittent Catherization
Tube Feeding
Authorization of Specific Medical Procedure
Authorization for Medication Administration
Medical Release form